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"Future generations will be living in a world that is very different from that to which we are accustomed. It is essential we prepare ourselves and our children for that new world."

Terence Chatmon
President & CEO, Victorious Family

Victorious Friday

With Terence Chatmon and George Barna

In this episode, George Barna shares some golden nuggets about how parents can raise children with a biblical worldview.

Fridays, at noon EST Terence Chatmon, Chief Executive Officer of Victorious Family, will premier his Victorious Friday video series. In this series, Chatmon will address issues facing our families today and will provide tangible actions you can take to have meaningful conversations based on Biblical principles.

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Family Champion Podcast

with Terence Chatmon

In this podcast, we will discuss proven ways to create a personalized plan that works for children of all ages, even those who are now adults and have families of their own. We will see how other parents have successfully applied the principles from Terence's best-selling book, by the same title, in their family life.

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Impact the spiritual lives of this generation and the next

Master Family Champions are Kingdom Leaders who model and lead others on a journey of Faith.
 Master Family Champions guide parents through the "Do Your Children Believe?" curriculum and teach them how to develop a multigenerational spiritual plan.


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